HIPAA / Electronic Health Information

Effective July 1, 2023, a new Florida law will limit certain health care providers from storing patient information offshore. CS/CS/SB 264 (Chapter 2023-33, Laws of Florida), amends the Florida Electronic Health Records Exchange Act to require health care providers who use certified electronic health record technology to ensure that patient information is physically maintained

Governor Approves CCPA Amendment to Further Except Healthcare and Research InformationGov. Gavin Newsom recently approved A.B. 713, a bill that creates further CCPA exceptions for healthcare and research information. The bill is especially potent in the COVID-19 era where the need for medical research is greater than ever.

A.B. 713 presents a few notable changes from prior versions of the CCPA. First, the amendment expands

A New Privacy Headache: Virginia’s COVID-19 Workplace Safety Rule is Poised to Impact PrivacyOn July 15, 2020, the state of Virginia adopted the first of its kind COVID-19 workplace safety mandate. Propelled by months of inaction from a federal agency tasked with nationwide enforcement of workplace safety relating to COVID-19, Virginia’s Safety and Health Codes Board adopted an emergency regulation designed to establish requirements for employers to control,

Prepare Now For Sharing of and Access to Electronic Health Information: Cures Act Information Blocking and Interoperability Rules Take Effect June 30, 2020The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued companion regulations advancing the interoperability of and patient access to electronic health information under the 21st Century Cures Act that will take effect June 30, 2020, with a compliance date of November 2, 2020. Now is the time to learn what the Information Blocking Rule